Files & media
- Onboarding Flow: Step-by-step onboarding process with interactive elements and personalized content based on user preferences.

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- Navigation: Clear and intuitive navigation menus with options for advanced search, filtering, and easy access to personalized content.

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- Reading Progress Tracker: Progress bars with percentage completion, sync status indicators, and visual cues for multi-platform reading.

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- Recommendation Tiles: Dynamic content tiles on the homepage, showcasing book recommendations with cover images, titles, and short blurbs.

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- Social Features: Book club creation and management UI, discussion threads, and event calendars with RSVP and streaming capabilities.

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- Gamification Elements: Badges, challenge progress tracking, and leaderboard displays integrated into user profiles.

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- Analytics Dashboards: Data visualization components (charts, graphs) for tracking reading stats, sales, customer interactions, and promotion performance.

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- Rewards System: Points tracking widget in user profiles and a rewards catalog showcasing redeemable items.

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